Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Experiencing Sharp Pain In Fingers

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that there’s something wrong is going in your life, it is that red flag that tells you something is wrong not just with your body but with your life, so you shouldn’t ignore it and you shouldn’t act recklessly about it, you’ve got to listen and listen carefully, because there might be a huge thing coming your way that may change your whole life, like a serious disease such as arthritis, arthritis will start by causing you pain and stiffness in your joints and you have to start examining right away because early diagnosis will help you get over it much more easily than reacting late to your pain, it will help you change your lifestyle, your diet and even your daily wrong habits that involves using your joints,
So if you are experiencing tringling in fingertips don’t hesitate to visit your doctor, if you don’t know the reason behind it, the reason may be something wrong with your diet like consuming alcohol, smoking or eating fast food that escalate the uric acid in your blood that may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, or lacking the calcium supply in your diet that helps building and regenerating your bone structure, then the sharp pain in fingers might be your warning to change your bad eating habits and start a more healthy beneficial eating lifestyle.
Sharp pain in fingers might be also an indication of overusing your joint, if you have a job that requires a repetitive use of your joints such as knitting, fishing, driving, typing, reading, writing, texting, talking on the phone, cleaning, washing, gardening or even cooking may lead to that sharp pain in fingers that sometimes be accompanied with stiffness or even not being able to move your finger, it is very common but very dangerous as well, because if you ignored it will may lead joints to swollen or cartilages to disintegrate or even applies pressure on the nerves that passes through your fingers that as a result may turns into a disease or trauma that may require a surgery, that’s why listening to your body is important, listening to your body’s pain is a must to protect it from further harm, and curing it would be easy , by modifying the way you work, watching your hands and fingers postures and trying to find out what really causes you the pain and try to avoid it, as for repetitive movements that causes you your sharp pain in the fingers we are not telling you to quit but you have to take a break at least every 30 minutes to rest your fingers and give it a shake, do little stretching, elevating it above your head and shaking it, and if the pain still exist then hot cold compresses might relief your pain, you have to apply hot compresses on your area of pain for as long as you can handle then apply ice for as long as you can handle, you will feel better for sure.  

Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Pain in middle finger joint

 Joints is a very important part of our bodies it helps holding our whole body together, and there is so many types of joints, for example the joints the holds the skull bones together, it has zero ability to movement so it would keep our skull held together, fixed and solid, it is on the contrary of the shoulder joint that allows the shoulder to move almost to every direction possible, and between these two types of joints located many others that has that main function in holding the bones together and give our bodies the ability to move.
The joints that connects our fingers bones together is called arthrodial joints these joints allow the fingers to move into two directions sidewise and up and down, except for the thumb because the joints that holds the thumbs to the hand is called saddle joints it allows the fingers to move to the sides, back and forth.
Another very important part of our bodies is tendons, tendons is a soft tissue that is made of collagen that does the same function as joints which is connecting but tendons connects the muscles to the bones although they are soft tissues they are very strong part of our bodies that is very hard to be replaced in case its damaged, and tendons go all the way right to the end of our fingers.
Similar part to tendons is ligaments it is similar in the tissue, it is a soft tissue as well made of collagen but more like joints it connects a bone to another, it is stronger than tendons and sometimes function as movement controller, that it inhabits the joints from certain movements.
The middle finger consists of bones, joints, tendons and ligaments so any of this part should be functioning at its best so you wouldn’t face problems like tingling, numbness, enlargement, redness, or pain, but specifically if you suffer from a pain in finger joint then one of the following reasons might be the cause:
-Injury: hurting your finger might be not noticeable if you are doing some kind of a sport that involves hands, knocking your middle finger might happen often and in the middle of the heat of your game you might not notice it in the first place, but you will feel pain in middle finger joint afterwards.
-Obesity: over weight may lead to pressure on your joint. Lose weight.
-Diabetes: high blood sugar levels may lead to stiffness and joints pain. Eat healthy.
-Smoking: smoking reduces the oxygen levels in your blood flow that will lead to tingling and pain. Stop smoking.
-Arthritis: there are many types of arthritis all leads to finger joints pain. Check with your doctor.
-Overuse: one of the main and most common reasons for pain in middle finger joint is repetitive activities with your finger such as typing, typing for long hours or on a daily basis may lead to that pain, to avoid it organize your desk. Take breaks. Stretch your fingers every 20 minutes.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Different methods for Finger Joint Pain Treatment

Treating joints pain is a very variable issue especially if it is finger joints, because it could stand as a barrier between you and your work, or you and your daily routine, first it is very important to find out the reason behind your finger joint pain, diagnosing the problem will help you treating it so:

First step:
Diagnosing your problem:
You have to watch and listen carefully to your body so if you have a problem with obesity, drinking, smoking, nutrition or lifestyle ‘such as overusing joints’  you have to start acting and cutting off the bad habits, it is like an alarm that you should start changing your lifestyle.
But if it is a disease you have to test and check for what kind of illness is it, then start your way to healing.
Second step:
Everyone has his/her own faith in a certain method of treatment and that is a huge part of healing, so it all depends on your choice of treatment:
Medication and surgeries:
 Some people prefer the usual way of treatment that includes subscribed pills and surgeries, so if you one of them then your ideal cure concerning your finger joint pain is anti inflammatory pills, pain killers and if it is a sever pain including joints enlargement, stiffness and redness then a surgery is the perfect solution for you, but you have to check with your doctor because if you have diabetes or high blood pressure or arthritis then you will be asked to take different medications.
It is a Japanese method of treatment the word shiatsu means finger pressure it is mainly used as headache treatment, back pain treatment and Finger Joint Pain Treatment, it is all about applying pressure on the spot that activates the energy flow all the way to the fingers which is happens by applying pressure to the points of SHAO YIN and TAI YIN, shiatsu proved success as a Finger JointPain Treatment.

It is a method of treatment which is very famous concerning treating cancer and many other chronic diseases including joints pain, macrobiotic means long life, it is about changing your whole life style the way you dress, the way you work, the way you speak and the most essential part which is the main key in treatment is your DIET.
Macrobiotic diet mainly consists of Miso soup beans, whole grain seeds, seasonal local vegetables, fruits, low protein intake since protein helps elevating the uric acid levels in your blood which leads to joint pain.
Macrobiotics has proven a very high success rate concerning Pain Between Thumb And Index Finger.

Home remedies:
It includes hot compresses for about 20 minutes on your joints then cold compressors for as long as you can bear, as well as eating bananas, carrots, oranges and drinking a lot of water and lemon juice also stretching exercises is a great Finger Joint Pain Treatment.


Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Different methods for Finger Joint Pain Treatment

Treating joints pain is a very variable issue especially if it is index finger joints, because it could stand as a barrier between you and your work, or you and your daily routine, first it is very important to find out the reason behind your finger joint pain, diagnosing the problem will help you treating it so:
First step:
Diagnosing your problem:
You have to watch and listen carefully to your body so if you have a problem with obesity, drinking, smoking, nutrition or lifestyle ‘such as overusing joints’  you have to start acting and cutting off the bad habits, it is like an alarm that you should start changing your lifestyle.
But if it is a disease you have to test and check for what kind of illness is it, then start your way to healing.
Second step:
Everyone has his/her own faith in a certain method of treatment and that is a huge part of healing, so it all depends on your choice of treatment:
Medication and surgeries:
 Some people prefer the usual way of treatment that includes subscribed pills and surgeries, so if you one of them then your ideal cure concerning your finger joint pain is anti inflammatory pills, pain killers and if it is a sever pain including joints enlargement, stiffness and redness then a surgery is the perfect solution for you, but you have to check with your doctor because if you have diabetes or high blood pressure or arthritis then you will be asked to take different medications.
It is a Japanese method of treatment the word shiatsu means finger pressure it is mainly used as headache treatment, back pain treatment and Finger Joint Pain Treatment, it is all about applying pressure on the spot that activates the energy flow all the way to the fingers which is happens by applying pressure to the points of SHAO YIN and TAI YIN, shiatsu proved success as a Finger Joint Pain Treatment.

It is a method of treatment which is very famous concerning treating cancer and many other chronic diseases including joints pain, macrobiotic means long life, it is about changing your whole life style the way you dress, the way you work, the way you speak and the most essential part which is the main key in treatment is your DIET.
Macrobiotic diet mainly consists of Miso soup beans, whole grain seeds, seasonal local vegetables, fruits, low protein intake since protein helps elevating the uric acid levels in your blood which leads to joint pain.
Macrobiotics has proven a very high success rate concerning Finger Joint Pain Treatment.

Home remedies:
It includes hot compresses for about 20 minutes on your joints then cold compressors for as long as you can bear, as well as eating bananas, carrots, oranges and drinking a lot of water and lemon juice also stretching exercises is a great Finger Joint Pain Treatment, read more at : Finger Joint Pain